Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Podcast #1

I was nosing through iTunes for some Led Zeppelin podcasts a while ago and was surprised to find there are no regular Zep-casts. I was, by happy coincidence, wondering what to do with this blog. It was time to find a way to grow it, but how. The solution, it occurred to me, was a RambleOn podcast. With all that said, I gave it a go. As I mention more than once in the podcast, I figured I'd run out of stuff to say in about 5 minutes, but I spoke for 45 minutes. While there are some imperfections in delivery, I think it came out pretty well for a first go. Improvements will be ongoing, and I am hoping to throw in some interviews down the road. Meanwhile, here's the Ramble On Podcast #1

Download it here: I have submitted to it iTunes, but it hasn't been approved as of yet. I have no idea how long the process takes, but once it is up I will along the link. Please let me hear what you thought, feedback is key: rambleon@briangardiner.ca

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